From June 2 to 8, 2024, the second mission conference of the Reformed Episcopal Churches in Europe was held in Croatia and Serbia (the first was held in Germany in 2023). The conference was attended by clergy and lay people who are active in church…
Dear in Christ, we present to you REC CROATIA & SERBIA NEWS 1/2024
Baptism in Tordinci
On the third Easter Sunday, April 17, 2024, Edita was baptized in Tordinci. We look forward to a new life and pray for Edita to become a follower of Christ.
Belgrade (Serbia)
Bishop Jasmin Milić goes to Belgrade, Serbia once a…
Dear in Christ,
Advent greetings from Croatia and Serbia. We are happy to share news from our churches with you, to present our visions and needs. Although we try to do as much as we can with our modest capabilities, we would not be able to do what we do without the help of those whom…
U predvečerje Dana reformacije, 30.10.2023. godine, u Ilirskoj dvorani Gradske knjižnice “Ivan Goran Kovačić” u Karlovcu je, u organizaciji Protestantske reformirane crkve održano prigodno predavanje o Grguru Vlahoviću, poznatom reformatoru iz Ribnika kod Ozlja. Ovime je obilježena 500. obljetnica njegovog rođenja.
Predstavljena je također i spomen-ploča koja će stajati u njegovom rodnom mjestu.
Predavanje je održao dr.…
Od 13. do 17 listopada 2023. predsjedavajući biskup Reformirane episkopalne crkve Ray Sutton posjetio je Hrvatsku i Srbiju.
U osječkoj crkvi Dobrog Pastira 13. listopada održana je svečana večernja molitva. Biskup Sutton propovijedao je na temu: „Mrvice sa stola“. Propovijed možete pogledati na sljedećoj poveznici:
U subotu 14. listopada…
From October 13 to 17. 2023, the Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church, Ray Sutton, visited Croatia and Serbia.
On October 13, in Osijek's Church of the Good Shepherd, a solemn evening prayer was held. Bishop Sutton preached on the topic: "Crumbs from the table". You can watch the sermon…